Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 15, 2024 - Holy Day of Obligation

Mass Schedule: August 14th Vigil Mass - 5:30 PM
August 15th : 6:30 am, 8:15 am, 10:00 am,
5:30 pm and 7:00 pm (in Spanish)

Poon Hesus Nazareno/Jesus the Black Nazarene Closing Mass

June 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm


Parish Synod Reports - What We Heard

External link opens in new tab or windowSynod ReportSynod Report             External link opens in new tab or windowInforme del SínodoInforme del Sínodo

Synod of Bishops

The Church of God is convoked in Synod.

With this convocation, Pope Francis invites the whole Church to question itself on synodality:

a decisive theme for the life and mission of the Church.

External link opens in new tab or windowAll you need to know - Synod on Synodality

External link opens in new tab or windowSynod Articles from Fr. Ben Part 1  -  External link opens in new tab or windowPart 2 - External link opens in new tab or windowPart 3 - External link opens in new tab or windowPart 4

Parish Jubilee Celebration